Tag Archives: rafting
it’s why we do it
“I’m a little nervous about this one,” says Lance as we push the the raft off the bank. Yeah, me too, I tell him. Downstream was the horizon line to Boulder Drop–a class IV/V rapid on the Skykomish River. A … Continue reading
tippin’ on the toutle
Differing from the snow fed rivers and moss-covered forests that surround many of the area’s raftable waterways, the Toutle river has its own flavor, and tastes like pumice. Higher volume and wide, it cuts through indecisive landscape, stuck between a … Continue reading
raft the sky: see stars
I’m watching snow fall onto the passing wet pavement, slowly chewing, when I realize that Neils has already finished his breakfast sandwich, a beautiful behemoth from Sultan bakery. He makes me miss being 19. He’s started rifling through his CD … Continue reading